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Quite a quick finish but not too easy a solve.   Thanks, Ovid.
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An outstanding puzzle. Good job there is snow on the ground and temperature has not risen above freezing for 2 days so an excuse if it was needed to devote last evening and most of today to... ...
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Third puzzle in a row with the  name of a film with die in it as the puzzle title. Can the editors keep the sequence going? This was an easier puzzle than of late with some rather obvious clues but... ...
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...doesn't seem to be on the times website yet...or am I doing something wrong??
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A tough puzzle with frugal clues, treated throughout, but it all came together in a great ending. I loved it - many thanks, Charybdis.
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Not the first outing for this theme in the Listener, but not for some time. Plenty of thematic material, some cleverly worked clues, not all the misprints jumping out. A good challenge. Thanks, JFD
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A nice puzzle. I loved the idea of the answers representing pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. Fortunately the Across and Down clues were generously straightforward otherwise cold-solving all of the... ...
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Can't see another thread on this one so I'll pitch in. Thought it was a striaghtforward gridfill but had to massage the maths a little for the highlighting. Thanks Skylark
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A brilliant and beautiful composition with many elegant clues, particularly the ones with wordplay only.
Also containing a massive amount of thematic material.

Thanks, Filbert.
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Rather gentle clues but lots of fun and a favourite song. 

Thanks, Samson.
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To be honest we don't quite see the "similar" shapes in the mathematical sense although all the thematic elements resolve themselves nicely.

A tour de force, thanks Hawk.
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Incredible! Easily my favourite Kea puzzle, and the best Listener so far this year. Just so rich in the theme and all the diverse gimmicks throughout. Thanks Kea!
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An excellent puzzle. I enjoyed the first stage of the problem as logic was required throughout rather than testing umpteen possibilities. The gridfill was quicker than anticipated and there is no...
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Plenty of good clues and well hidden misprints although the final instructions were a bit of a slog and not our cup of tea. Thanks, Shark....
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A pleasant crossword with some tricky clues but a slightly clumsy preamble. Thanks, Apt....
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I rarely post, and have never started a thread, but I wanted to congratulate and thank Cagey for an all-time classic Listener. Surely in the very top tier (top 5, at least) in my 20+ years of solving....
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Great fun and the theme is not as recherché as we first imagined. Thanks, The Usher....
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I thought the gridfill was OK. Many of the clues were pretty straightforward allowing a well-timed PDM to resolve the difficulties and confirm the theme. The two unclued entries were fine once the...
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A nice little work out for a Friday evening. Thanks, Mr E....

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