As a recent adopter of mobile tech, fifties child, can anyone tell me if receiving emails on my smartphone uses any of my data allowance. Many thanks in advance.
if he is single and living alone, what happens to all his belongings, his mortgage, car etc. If he is married, does the wife get any additional income apart from normal benefits etc? and when they...
I've bought an Amazon fire 7 and I intend to take it with me when I visit the far east later next month. I am a member of Amazon "prime" so I can watch films at home for free. If there's free WiFi at...
Can anybody please help with the following? Autumn from Glazunov's 'The Seasons' was a theme tune to a television programme back in the fifties or sixties. I do not know whether it was a regular or...
Ive bought a new laptop on windows 10. I keep getting a message to install BT Locker. What's the opinion on this? will it be any use to me, I'm on Talk Talk but at home I have a BT WiFi extender.
I am tearing my hair out trying to find out this simple detail. How THE HELL do you set where your items are shipped from as a BUYER?? I've searched and searched for a simple answer to this and the...
Understandably the BBC doesn't want to make it easy for people with perhaps flippant remarks etc to contact them but I want to email them about a radio programme 'Every Case Tells a Story' and despite...
Mine has died, and (please don't judge me) ;) I want to get exact same one from Ebay. I'm on Virgin, so do I just buy one that says "unlocked" and will I be able to use my SIM card in it, or is there...
Hello Could someone please tell me where to download the Weight Watchers 1,2,3 food points booklet - this diet operated around 1996 and it gave all the points for each food so that one could add up...
David Bowie had a song and viddie he walks around in a white high peaked clowns cap - along with pancake white make up any idea which one it was ? The not the nine oclock news spoof Nice video shame...
I have just been given a spare phone which uses a micro sim, my Nokia Asha uses a standard. I don't want to swap phones as the other is a lot bigger and the battery only lasts a day before charging,...
Well I never. Black pudding deemed a healthy option. Lava bread and black pudding for breakfast anyone?...