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name of rocky outcrops in north york moors
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An american friend says they dont have this word in the states, is there anything similar to it that they say other than 'rude'?
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what is the song title to the new baileys advert
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Forgive the simplicity of the qusetion: My minidisc player is on it's last legs, so I'm thinking of getting an i-pod. Can I record songs onto it from cd, like the minidisc, or can I only download...
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What would happen is say whilst driving at 70mph on a motorway, I put the car into reverse gear? Would the car slow down gradually, or would it result in spinning the car off the road and...
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what is the song called on the unison advert
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Which movie was loosely based on the life of William Randolph Hearst?
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How many fags do you have to smoke before you become addicted??
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what happens if u don't find a job after graduation and are on the dole can you pay back student loan?
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Why do Amish people not wear buttons?
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What exactly does it mean?
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Subjective I know, someone's bound to put the beatles but nice to see people's opinions. Mine: The Streets, Beastie boys, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, The Doors, Pearl Jam, The White Stripes, Pink Floyd,...
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My friend has "bass tube" (?) in the boot of his car. He said only really low bass (drum) is loud and bass lines in music is quieter. The low pass filter is set to 120, and there is a GAIN and a BASS...
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whats your favourite music video? mines will have to be paperbag by fiona apple...if u havnt seen it then u should definately download it..i love it
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i've just bought a new laptop and want to download music for free, i have norton anti virus on it and when i tried to get kazaa norton didn't allow it. is there another programme i can get to download...
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what is your favourite and most succesful pick up line?
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Jon Snow, the popular Channel 4 news presenter, where does he get his ties? I can?t find one anywhere! Particularly interested in the one with the two blocks of rectangles all different shades of the...
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I have my e-mail through bt-yahoo. There should be a bulk mail folder (for junkmail) but I can't find it. It is not with all my other folders (inbox etc). Where can I find it?
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I am trying to get hold of a replacement Caterpillar Club Gold Lapel pin for my father in law who has lost his. Those whose lives were saved by a parachute during the wars received a pin as...
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How the hell do I get rid of it? Norton and ad-aware dont seem to be doing the trick.

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