5d. Whatever tickles your fancy RTE,s in set formation (9) ?N???E?T? 17d. Coming to US (9) 23d On the way out you,ll hear credits still to clear (2,4) 11a Two point starters certain to make certain...
Maureen, aka Mojay, who posted often in your crossword section, passed away yesterday, after a five week spell in hospital. Maureen and had have had many visits to each other over the past few years,...
1d It took pole position with Gene Kelly Singin' in the Rain in that iconic picture!(10)...???E???A?? 19d Legally bequeathed as necessitated(8)...E???I?E? 24d He'' have them squared to the wall...
Hi everyone, there is a word I keep hearing lately but cant spell it, I am trying to find out what it means. this is how it sounds --- DIE-AS-PER-S. can anyone help?
Thank you....
2 which ingreient distinguishes beer brands such as paulaner and franziskaner (5) ?h?a? 11 abbreviation that precedes names of senior members of the British royal family (1,1,1) ?RH 18 what kind of...
A Dublin University student, was on the side of the road hitchhiking on a very dark night and in the midst of a big storm. The night was rolling on and no car went by. The storm was so strong he could...
Ttfn & Moony were on their wedding night in their honeymoon suite. As they were undressing for bed, Moony, a big burly man, tossed his trousers to Ttfn and said: "Here, put these on." She put them on...
15d Small marsupial (9) b?n?i?l?t (am not sure of the letter B, I have it coming from 14a Item of cutlery = taBlespoon)
21d motorised aquatic transport (3,3) ?e? e?i
Thanking you....
Thanks for all suggestions to the following clues 2) a shortened marriage before the sound of bells (8) 5) from west door to chancel (4) 7) accompaniment for the choir (5) 8) where you obtain your...
Still stuck on a few: 1a Level and clear (8) B?S????? 13a Made powerless (9) ??M?T???G 17a Anyone uncritically admired (4) ???N 20a Head of cult, say (4,6) ?I?H,?R???T Will start with my across clues...