My Father had a second stroke about 12 days ago my concerns are around the care he"s receiving in hospital. This time he was not put on any water (drip) for three days, he's now receiving water but...
8/18a They keep us hanging on-well artificially (4-7,8) no letters 7d Mr Spratt wouldnt get fat on that (4) 17d Such expectations for gold locations (9) no letters 28a Knew by all sounds that people...
Hi everyone. If you could rule the world for 24 hours, what would you do? All serious, half serious, decent and nonsense replies appreciated. I will tell you what I would do once I have picked a BA...
OK, stuck on some more :( 18d Fowl less than a year old (6) P?L??? 20d In the US, one empoloyed to do odd jobs, gardening etc (7) Y???T?N 23a Fowl in hot-water provider (6) ?O?L?? 22d Fowl fattened...
7a,In singing 9of two voice parts)progressing so that the interval between them remains the same?-A-A-L-L?(8) 14a,A commercial preparation in which the principal ingredients have already been combined...
A Dublin University student, was on the side of the road hitchhiking on a very dark night and in the midst of a big storm. The night was rolling on and no car went by. The storm was so strong he could...
Still stuck on a few: 1a Level and clear (8) B?S????? 13a Made powerless (9) ??M?T???G 17a Anyone uncritically admired (4) ???N 20a Head of cult, say (4,6) ?I?H,?R???T Will start with my across clues...
...I met Bob from Emmerdale last night at a beer festival! His band White Van man played and they were brilliant!!!! Best night out in a long time!! Me and Bob...
A little boy & a little girl are playing doctors & Nurses behind the shed They are both stark naked. The little boy's mother comes around the corner, and catches them. She grabs her son by the arm,...
well i never moments, i just did, on learning that Christian Bale the English actor is the stepson of Gloria Steinem, not earth shattering i know, but does that ever happen to you, a well i never...