My husband and I have struggled with this one for a whole week and this last clue has defeated us 47a Players of middle range instruments (9) T?N?R?S?S. It probably ends in "rists" but we just can't...
thank you for your views regarding the acceptance of altered entries. I find the best way is to use the copy facility and make a mess of the copy before sending it off! but I still have to make...
Still struggling on final two questions. Help please! 1.This TV presenter looked down on every place = M.A. If it Michael Aspel why? 2. First town to have local radio station = L Could be Leicester...
In Scotland a soup made from a fowl boiled with a vegetable also called a scallion(8d)(12) One of the judges on TV's The X Factor(9 & 3d)(6,8) Members of a religious movement of Jamaican origin...
'line on a map connecting places having equal rainfall '- I think it is isohel but the only way it will fit in is 'isoheel'; is this right please?? Many thanks in advance and New Year Greetings from...
what was the name of the Victorian clergyman who 'cleaned up' Longfellow's The Wreck of the Hesperus replacing the words as ''bull'' with the more acceptable 'gentleman cow'? merry xmas and happy new...
Apologies if these have already been answered, I have checked back and couldn't find them. 25a Japanese Shinto temple gateway (5) 42a Norse gods, inhabitants of Valhalla (5) 83d Brigit -------,...
In both these questions I have to find the ladies name, Margaret Thatcher I think fits both but she can only apply to one, but which one and who would be the other? 1)Which lady was not for turning?...