my gran has asked me to find the name of a 1950's shampoo that she used to use. i have tried google but it didnt come up with anything! so does anybody know the name? she says she thinks it started...
The queen and prince phillip celebrated 60th wedding anniversary on 19th November but Princess Anne was answering questions with Fern and Philip that morning was she not at the wedding and why not
were to incarnate today in the U.K. (or the USA for our American friends) How would he live? Would he have a car? (as opposed to a donkey) and what kind of car would it be? Would his dwelling place be...
Before I start - I know I'm using a car as an example but its not really a motoring question, so I'm sticking it in here. If you were a bit strapped for cash and didnt like to owe anyone anything, but...
This morning, the boss had a phonecall from somebody to say he was not going to be coming into work today. According to the boss his excuse was: "Some idiots sold my car on ebay" Whats the stupidest...
I am wanting to set up a website and have been told there are free websites for this, has anyone out there done this and how successfully and is it safe and easy?
when you were taken as a kid to buy new shoes or trainers did you insist on wearing them there and then and were you allowed? is this still common practice amongst the little people and their parents
Was watching a film last night and I was wondering who played a certain character so I watched for the credits at the end. When they came up they were immediately squished to the side while the...
I'm feeling sad today as I found my pet bunny dead in the conservatory last night, she'd died of old age I think (hope). She was a real character and good company (she roamed free in the garden and...
Do you / your children have middle names? Why did you choose your child's middle name and did you have problems deciding? If so, how did you overcome these? How did you get your middle name? What do...
Apart from Tom Selleck can you think of anyone who is attractive with a moustache. Beards and goatees dont count, I quite like the beardy weirdies and goatees myself, esp Dave Grohl but I cannot think...
i just read in a previous post that someone thought the white light used in lulus advert made her look better. why dont more women carry a white light with them then ? come to think of it why are pubs...
My new mobile has a barcode scanner; I think this will be about as useful as the remote control to open the cd drawer; what pointless accessories irritate you?
Hi, my electicity bill has rocketed to ?49 a month and my gas ?55 a month and considering i only have a 2 bedroomed house, i am quite alarmed! Does anyone know which appliances in the house use up the...
Ok, following on from yesterday morning's moan about who annoys us (don't we all feel better now?), I thought I'd try another tack today and see who we think are brilliant or someone from the telly...