It comes at a price .... ....and looks to me for all the world like surgical...
Thing 1 and 2 start secondary school in September so I am going to be looking for a job. A part-time Key Stage 2 teaching job has become available at the the local primary but I am an ex-secondary...
I thought that all garden birds would have fledged by now. However, I'm sitting watching sparrows pulling coir from my hanging basket liners and flying off with it. Second clutch do you think?
1. Nice warm stove with messy headgear on (6) 2. Cockney travelling by air with a group of soldiers (7.4) 3. Mother’s swallowed a chewed up piece of money (6) ( only answer I can come up with is...
Something popped up on my FB feed about why us Stokies use the term 'duck' as a term of affection when interacting with others (usually females). Ive used the word 'duck' when dealing with non-Stokies...
I understand that Mail readers have a certain level of antipathy against the Duchess of Sussex - but with the news the she is about to have a baby...the Mail have decided to ban comments on the story....
Take down decorations (7,5). Jack Hawkins narrated this (8,6). A toad takes to the road (4,4,2,3,7). The exploits of Miss Carr (4,4,3). Biblical ruler goes digging (4,8,4). Stormy weather (3,7)....
11. Re the rooster - let's flush them out (6,7) 15. Sounds a little hoarse (8.8) 25 It's just a con! (7) 27 A Tika Masala from Yokohama? (8,5) 28. Basil unruffled? (6,3,7) 29. Normandy neighbours (8)...
help needed please all answers are creepy crawlies no 7 police lead singer is back in past tense (5) wondered if the setter made a mistake and was thinking ultravox singer (midge)? no 1 mr laurel is...