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Could you go on to this website and click on the Live Streaming window to check if it's actually working. I can't get on to it tonight which is most unusual. Thanks....
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A man who took an airline company to court after his luggage went missing has lost his case.....
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My friend said to me, "Does every sentence have to contain a vegetable?" I said, " Not necess-celery"......
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AB Editor
1. Include a closing date of the quiz when you post a question.
2. Let people know if you need answers, hints, or explanations for whatever the answer is.
3. Please supply the question number, for those who already have the quiz....
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My wife has just left me. She said I was obsessed with cricket. It's really hit me for six.
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Some aquatic mammals at the zoo escaped. It was otter chaos....
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20 years ago we had Johnny Cash, Bob Hope and Steve Jobs. Now we have no cash, no hope and no jobs. Please don't let Kevin Bacon die!....
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A man got his house painted. When the painters were done they handed him the bill. He was surprised to find that the painters were not charging him for the paint, just labour. He asked them, "You did...
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A friend of mine tried to annoy me with bird puns, but I soon realised that toucan play at that game.
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We are having a similar competition to yesterday. What I want you to do is compose a SINGLE sentence (which must NOT be about biscuits or sweets) must must contain the name of a biscuit or sweet....
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I am stunned at this news article. This young lady loves her work and works hard. Now she is being punished for her work ethic. Doesn't seem right to me...
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As with my first one (son now three in June), it was a shock as I didn't get pregnant until I was 38, so didn't think I was particularly fertile and now at 41 I've been and gone and done it again ! I...
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ronnie passes aged 85, thanks for the laughter r.i.p
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Right brainboxes, what you have to do today is write a single sentence (NOT about cars) but include the make or model of a car, new or old. For example: I had to get new specs because I couldn't...
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I bought a Microwave Bed I now get 8 hours 6 minutes.......

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