all answers are places on the coastline of the uk, there are no letters provided in this quiz which makes it difficult no 7 It's a fantastic metric weight no10 It's yeast but without the A no13... ...
All are things in the human body, 7, if it's numb, you're dim (5) 14, Horner's appendage definitely not on the ingredients list.(5) 17, a closer shave needed if this remains. (7). 38, site of... ...
answers all names are shared with a flower 21. one of twin girls whose birthday is aug 15th, played on tv by christina (7,6) 24. gave her name to a hybrid rose in 1963 (6,6) 41. a skilled surfer with... ...
4 The largest member of the felines, having two subspecies, Bengal and Sumatran. 5 Hernan Cortes, conquistador from Spain, brought the downfall of the Aztec Empire in the 16th Century. 21 Is it... ...
Elephant in the room - no car, 6, an archaic way to describe a service they offer at Boots. Opposites attract, 39, the tiny swede, two clues in one, 15, assassinating ninja 19, internal... ...
Questions are cropped pictures of food packaging. No letter count, just word count. 23. Orange and white, with the words'plant based, and a part of the product name -ridi-. three words. 35. three... ...
Clues only please, 15, Gets you from A to B (3) 24, Has this animal product disappeared like magic? (10,4) 26, Ridiculous tie (5,6) 37, Powered they go the distance (6,6) 47, Plastic, worm, liquid... ...
Can anyone help with these three. The answers will be people who are known by initials in their names 14 When he was 17 he got amatching tattoo with his sister nd mother as a tribute to his family... ...
all answers are westerns - clues only 5. AKA metal worker and dad's army butcher (5,5,3,5) 12. sore from a day of riding (7) 21. sole warden (3,4,6) 22. series of carriages (5,5) 27. anthony has MD but... ...