My gf was supposed to precede me in a relocation 5months ago but shortly after she went we split up, things had been a bit strained beforehand. Now I have found that she started seeing someone else a...
It's just been announced that the BBC are to pay Jonathon Ross the staggering sum of ?18 million to stay with them. I find this grossly insulting due to the fact that because my husband is in N...
My husband and I keep arguing about just one issue. We love each other very very much but this problem keeps coming up and we argue about it ineffectually but painfully almost every weekend. It...
It appears this money grabbing bint may have been a high class prostitute. Would her clients pay more or less due to her stump? Personally I wouldn't give her tuppence.
does anyone know of any snail derturnets they are eating my pumpkin plants and my roses i would like to know of any natural cures if possible because i have to eat my pumpkins thanks alot
i am 24 weeks pregnant and suffering in the heat (it can only get worse :-( ) i am drinking 3 litres or more of water a day, can drinking too much have a detrimental effect or is it ok to drink it...
Does anyone know any good ways to preserve fruit apart from jam and chutney. I was thinking of bottling/canning but all the web info on it is from the states and has put me off with talks of botulism...
Hi good AB'ERS I like Carrots (good for you) but they don't last so long this time of the year. I want to freeze 3 - 4 whole carrots per freezer bag. Then they are ready for cooking in this quantity....
Should i go ahead and book a holiday with my girlfriends even though my boyfriend doesnt want me to go. I really want to go, also shes paying as its my birthday prezzie. Would anyone else go if they...
Best way to cure an ingrown toenail please, by the way this is on a Nine year old who won't do things herself to help cure this problem!!! Kidd hey, what can you do!!!!!
I was just thinking to myself at work, there are so many different factors in saying you fancy somebody. Big Broher highlights this for me as my mates are all divided on whose personality they like...
anyone watched brainiacs, if you have do you remember the mobile phone at the petrol garage. why on earth do places like garages and hospitals still insist on turning off your phone at these places,...
If you start a book, do you always finish it ? I used to until I began War and Peace and was nearly crying with boredom after a few chapters. On realising how much there was still to go, for the first...