Our 6 1/2 year old cat had her neutering operation when she was 6 months old and ever since, she has had a flap of skin that hangs down and I suppose it doesn't help that she is a little overweight,...
My cat is 13 years old and really fit with perfect white teeth and seems very content. I have noticed during the last 5-6 years the corners of her eyes (skin around) protude more than normal. at this...
We have just moved house and the previous owners (who had a cat) seem to have let all the neighbourhood moggies in. We have 3 neutered cats and one of the neighbours' cats keeps coming in through the...
i looked through my blokes phone the other day (wrong of me i know but i only did it as i had suspicions), in it i found messages from that morning saying i am still in love with you from him to a...
Born;- 22-08-04 Died:-05-05-06 I want to apologize now before ABrs animal lovers for what I'm about to write. Yesturday we tragically lost our dear little boy Merlin on the road, I'm absolutely...
So..........what did everyone think of last nights episodes!!!! I thought they were excellent, great way to get back into it!! Was almost going to stay up and watch the third one on E4 but just...
Just rec'd this link by e-mail & thought I'd share it with you. Apart from the details it gives you of the day you were born, etc., do you think the rest is true of yourself? Here
Again sorting through rooms , Found my cuddly toy rabbit (twinkle) who would never part with,even though he is dropping to bit's . Have you got a cuddly toy or toy you will never part with?
Hi peeps i need some advice my kitten (9 0r 10 months) was spayed on thursday after getting up to naughties in the garden. She came home thursday and slept all night all friday all saturday and most...
Hi ABers i have been a diet for a couple of months now, to try and loose weight and i think all the friut and veg is giving an upset tummy (aka the runs). I was alright when i started but the past 2...
i have a nine year old jack russell who is usually a very lively and happy dog however last week he was sick quite a lot and very lethargic. i thought it was a bug as he was much better in a couple of...
Cant help it,,, i know he is bald, a tad podgey and wears leather jackets that are way to small but cant help myself! Every good girl loves a bad boy,,,, anyone agree?
Hi all i am so lost with lost i cant even remember most of the things what happend in the1st series. There was so many questions and no answers. I had to watch some episodes twice just to remember...