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How does someone who has always been deaf think? If you are english you think in english, if you are french you think in french. Do deaf people visulise a pair of hands in their head or something? (I...
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how much can i roughly expect to pay for a filling if i go to a private dentist? many thanks in advance
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hopalong ml
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Why is it whenever I put on theTV,radio or computer there's a feature about Big Brother? Is it a virus that people catch?Is it the time of year the brain-dead emerge?Or is it the season when all the...
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you'd think grace was losing her twin brother or something. get a grip girl...ooh i hate her
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my phone says 13.55 watch says 13.57 and computer says 14.03 so am only posting this to see what time it says, sorry
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Lea: How can any single parent leave a child for a potential 13 weeks just to appear on a TV show?
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Are there any techniques to stop picking your nose?
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Ok,we all thought it was David,and he has confessed.Then I read on here yesterday that apparently Maria is the culprit.So.....why has David not admitted he didnt really send them,.even when Gail...
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Just what is the point is showing this. Most of the sound is cut, I know and understand why sound cuts are needed but I just feel these sound cuts are excessive and unnecessary. .
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What happened to the houses in Brookside?
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Made by morons about morons for morons and shoved down everybody else's throat. Even when it's over we have to put up with ugly fat ignorant pigs like Jade for years afterwards. The worst thing that...
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Will this finally convince them , at least on the pentagon plane? 716.stm Or will they simply claim the film is part of the conspiracy?
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What do you miss most when you go away? I mean from home or from your friends/family.
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Anyone got any jokes?
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Since her autobiography is number 1 in the book charts and I don't really want to buy it, please can someone tell me how it ends. Is it left open for a second one?
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my 14 yr old son is (at the moment) small for his age - about four inches smaller than his friends ( I am only 4ft 11" though). There is a bit of a craze going round in the schools at the...
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Why does a SKY digital box need to have a functioning telephone line ? Aren't all the services provided via the satellite link ? Anybody help me on this ?
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Bought some bedroom furniture on 5th of may, spend over ?500 and you get a "free telly" 17 inch flat screen, well ,they didnt tell us at the time of buying you have to wait 21 to 28 days for the...
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Is Parkinsons disease when you think you are a chat show host ?

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