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15a school bully from The Dandy,perhaps - - - s- - - - 16d john and henry admitted to Bar,providing legal oversight 8 - - -p- - -e 2d a very piercing acidic taste 6 -a- - -r
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22a headed my old career by chance 8- - n- - -l- 17d gas unhappy artist when getting up to dance 7 -s- - - a-
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9a venue thats a blessing for arranging meeting with Romeo? s- - -l- -,- - - 27a zulu chief ran around trapping bishop bird 5,5 - - - - -,f- - - - 12a slowly dance a tango with a date 3,4,1 4 - - -...
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13a timber 24? 3-2-4 8d ally of freddie regularly dropped charge 8 f- - - - -t-
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7a a container coated in glue,so becomes gloopy 10- - -a-i- - - - 10a outline of small island animals return 10- - -o-s- -
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25d solicitors job after time is jolly 7 t- - - ing 40d endlessly resented perhaps having to drop in to entertain 8 e-e-s-n- 12d fanof Big Brother finally to earn way on 7 w-n-t- - 20d cross when cut...
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47d type of font approximately Times style 6 -a-t-n 46drepoetedlynot many will staff this section of reactor 4,3 - - e-,red 9d man kid outside upset 6- - s-b-...
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4d so long, the authors very fine novel 8,2,6 farewell to - - v- -- 25a part of vehicle pack article poorly fitted internally 4,4 - - i-,- - t- 48a thus diets get to work on ones behind 9 l-g- - - -...
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12d very skilful way of working in study 5 d-m-n demon?
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17a what else is new for exciting music maker? 6,7 b- - - - -,whistle 2d song intricately connected with america and its earlier policies r-a- - - - - - - - 44a metal sheet,peg and disc found in...
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6d european island,one crossed by Hannibal in campaign 11 e-e- - - -o- - - - 28d in receipt of delivery at the end of the round? 5,2,3,4 43D chanced to meet by betting shop 5,2
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27a excellent boxes high and long 4 -t-e
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23dnote shed position at Lords 3,3 -i-,off rip off?
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22d small device wife and i would understand 6w-d-e-
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4d untreated skin rolled on the tongue 5 s-e-e swede?
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18a rocky island exporting small breed of cattle 5- - a-y 28a speaker on platform reported one changing room thats shabby? d- - - - -d--
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3d a fine story about damsels end in distress 10 14d perhaps pack instrument for playing on the fiddle 9
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4d slight mistake,all of saudi arabian conclusions 5 e-f-n elfin?
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2d athousand in african country abandoning river on the rise,departed 2 4 11a bills encapsulated by combination of corn and bean stew 10 c- - - - -e-d- 28a mundne letters from listener retired sent...
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26a return bag with tools, dropping large items a climber needs 8 d- --e-ing 30-a amazing Egypt,if suns out 10 stupifying?

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