The National Grid has advised of a potential generation shortfall for later today, that could result in power cuts for some. Back in the day, this was achieved by switching off the electrical... ...
Insurers will use any excuse they can dream up, not to pay a claim – this is getting ridiculous. I recall they tried claiming fitting a roof-rack was a modification that invalidated the... ...
I have contacted the last place it was used, no joy. Can't find the Julian code in all my paperwork, can't recall ever seeing it, so can't order a new one from main dealer. What options do I... ...
My son received an ASBO from the police on Friday night due to the exhaust on his car being too loud and people had videoed it and complained. Can he request the evidence which the police have... ...
Rachel Reeves has appointed a Covid Corruption Commissioner,with the intent of clawing back billions in fraudulent Covid contacts..Let's hope she starts with Baroness Mone, then Matt Hancock and... ...
The timing of the transactions by a Labour MP's family has raised questions about potential foreknowledge of Labour's tax plans' Henry Tufnell's family transferred valuable farmland just 20 days... ... While this is open to all MP's it was only Labour MP's who... ...
I have an autistic 14 yo grandson who is verbal and enjoys life. He is not short of lovely gifts but I struggle to find something for his Christmas stocking. Any ideas that are not sox and pants?... ...
It has been some time since I posted a video from my mate Phil. In this video he explains that border checks now being imposed on imports will add to the costs of goods in the UK, and for some it... ...
I have written a short booklet and included hyperlinks within that document to various files. The file was written in word and then saved as a pdf. The reference files are pdf. I now need to... ...
Maybe whoever substituted the alcohol with methanol was unaware of the dangers of ingesting methanol – even small amounts can cause blindness and/or paralysis. A tragedy for those who died and... ...
I used to wonder why so many super-wealthy individuals (such as James Dyson) and a number of rock/pop stars/celebrities developed an interest in farming (in the UK) once they had loads of cash to... ... Rachel from accounts is the worst chancellor in history! She can update her CV with that! ...