Today all earthly governments are facing destruction even at their own hands by highly developed scientific means of warfare. Well-informed commentators on world affairs are themselves warning all of...
Question mainly for theists (atheists welcome to comment though) as a study shows that religious folk are prepared to take risks... Do you take risks as you believe that God will be right behind you?...
A comment I read in a question from yesterday got me thinking. So, ABers, what are your thoughts on Atheist Christians. Is it possible to believe in Christ the man and his teachings but not believe in...
Well after thousands of years of human existence, The Bible, in the prophecy of Jeremiah, chapter 10, verse 23, says about this: “To earthling man his way does not belong. It does not belong to man...
I notice on various social media etc, there are a lot of anti religious meme style posts. Are we now at the point whereby atheism is pushed on us more that religion? Ironically enough atheist...
This article reminded me of recent comments on another thread concerning more Mosques being given planning consent and the decline in Christian worship. Can the two issues be related and are the...
`Lets face it Religion brings nothing into humanity apart from war and is only used as a power of control and money. What will actually be the final straw when these old books are merely just a joke...
By the time the water was turned into wine the wedding guests must have already had a few. How could they have known that what they were drinking was better, unless the first drinks they were offered...
I don't participate in many discussions on this site but I do follow along. One thing I have noticed is that Goodlife often mentions in his posts that he is a "True Christian". What is the difference...
Having a little party for my 2 yr old daughter. Thought 2 hours would be about right for length of party? Any ideas, tips, suggestions? Are they too young for games? I read somewhere that its best to...
I have just stumbled on this article; Each year with such hullabaloo we have red-nose day/ save the children etc. but the reality seems...
Unfortunately for my divorced daughter she foolishly married a Jehova's Witness. He tries to control her everything she does but she fights against it which leads to a very unhappy marriage. |He has...
Yesterday, I was out walking when I noticed a lot of people around the estate. They were Jehovah's Witnesses. Having engaged in conversation I had a leaflet advertising a website JW.Org. From the...
in need or do we just rely on it when we have no other support? I'm not against religion. I'm just curious as to what other people think. I have seen a lot of women/men turn to islam, have they...
Are you some one of goodwill? If you are, then you are one of those about whom an army of heavenly angels spoke in unison, almost two thousand years ago. ” (Rev. 1:1) Why did those angels appear and...
Take a man in his 80’s thinks: ‘My life is nearly over. It’s gone so fast. So little is left. Where did it all go? What did it mean? It’s all behind, nothing’s ahead. Except the grave. Yes...
"Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will by no means pass away." Luke 21:33 and Matthew 24:35 What happens with the believers' promised eternal life when both Heaven and Earth have passed...