Can somebody please describe the evolution of the Whales and Dolphins? What was the apperance of their land based descendants and who are the closest land mammal relatives at...
Can anyone clear up the pronunciation of this part of Canary Wharf for me? It's the main open space, joining the tube station and the HSBC, Citigroup building with the wharf's shopping plaza. Is it...
Is it likely that a 2 year old who is very aggressive towards her mother and refuses to do most things her mother asks of her has ADHD? My close friend, who is dyslexic and without internet is having...
Hi Im 22 and 15 weeks pregnant..I live with my parents and class myself as goin to be a single parent...would i get full single parent benefits while living with parents? as they both work.
I'm one of many who has got 'Caller ID' on my landline. I have noticed that virtually all junk sales calls and competition scam calls are either: (1) number withheld (2) number unavailable...
Is there such a gadget which, when connected to a telephone, can be accessed from another location and used to perform a simple power re-set? The issue is this: I have a piece of equipment at another...
we have a farmer's field behind our house & a 'B' road in front of it. Rain water from the field drains through our garden in underground pipes & empties into two small plastic tanks...
What quantity of this casinogenic material are we talking about? A 50Kg bag, a container truck-load, a container ship-load?? If the stuff is so dangerous and illegal what was it doing...
I try and avoid the filth that is peddled by the so-called food industry and like to think I have probably not eaten anything contaminated by Sudan 1. What I find particulary distasteful in this whole...
My 3.5year old daughter has just started pre-school (once a week), she cries and says she doesn't want to go every time I take her (well we both cry). I am just wondering if this would do more harm...
On my most recent electricity bill I found that on top of the standard bill, I had a ?30 charge under the title 'climate change levi'. I have tried to ask Scottish Power about this but have as...
What is the significance of which finger you wear a ring on (as a man)? I appreciate that the wedding ring goes on the ring finger left hand, but other than that. Is it a gay thing to wear a ring on...