Someone hands you a sealed envelope. Inside is the exact day, date, and time of your death, even the cause of your death. In all honesty, would you open the envelope?. I just wouldn't have the bottle...
My husband and I had a conversation in the middle of the night. I woke him up by shaking him and talking very rationally about something not so rational! He asked me in the...
I do, although I'm only 33 it bothers me. I'm not up for cosmetic surgery and all that malarky, but its the aches, pains, immobility, feelings of being "left behind" that I don't like the thought...
Who would you include if you could choose your family out of ABers? I'd have mummy smudge and daddy In A Pickle because hey both seem to give such good advice.
I'm here now, what were your other 2 wishes? lol No, seriously though - if you did have one wish what would it be? would it be something for everyone or would you be "selfish" and...
or is it just Pick On THECORBYLOON Week and no-one telt me? Ma last four Questions have been pulled, threads I've been involved in are disappearing at a rate of knots and I'm still waiting on ma bit...
Is any one else sick of these? I used to really look forward to the Sunday night film on C4 and now we have the same old repeats of these, as if programs like Heartbeat, The Royal and Monarch of the...
I find it quite disturbing and sad that the second most important thing to people in their homes is the computer. I obviously like the computer and, as you know, spend too much time on it,...
im mad about chocolate and i know this isnt a new issue, i mean who doesnt like chocolate! but i really am eating so much of it and i dont know how to stop. everyday i say to myself ill eat good today...