The Next 20 >> and Last Page links in individual posts are all pointing to the wrong address. Here, for example, click on Next 20 >> points to
AB Editor - you're edited all my posts in one thread (here - but nowhere else) presumably because I wrote them in purple (you've changed them all to black). Is typing in different colours not...
Let's get onto some intelligent subjects for a change. I downloaded this the other day as I hadn't played it for ages. I've just completed it as fully as I used to and I've just realised that I...
Halfway through playing various files in Windows Media Player, it decided to stop making any sound. Videos and songs run, but no sound comes out. It's not my speakers because all other...
Does anyone know the etymology of the term Chav? I'm guesing it is a corruption of the term used in the North-East for decades (Chavver, Charve or Charver - but all pronounced with the long A sound)....
Has anyone seen her on this tour so far (Manchester, Birmingham, Belfast, Glasgow, Cardiff or London)? If so, who is the support act and are they any good? I'm seeing her in Sheffield on Tuesday!
I know this has been suggested elsewhere, but you seem to be on a role replying to suggestions at the minute, AB Editor. 1) So what would be the chances of having a "Keep Me Posted" button? You know...
... portugese, portuguese or either? Obviously not "either", but you know what I mean. I've always thought Portuguese, my dad and Microsoft Word concur (but the latter means nowt), but Craig...
I've tried my favourite TAB sites and Googling, but no luck - has anyone got the correct chords for this song? At the moment, for the intro, I am using (Low -> High) XX7650 then XX5430, XX7650, XX8760...
What are your favourite examples thereof? Mine are French champagne, from the very beginning, at this moment in time, added bonus and free gift. I'm not sure if the following are tautological strictly...
Many thanks to everyone who helped with my hair problem a few weeks ago. Some people appreciate a follow-up message, so here's the result:
Last night I lit three candles and read a book. They all burned down and made a muckle great wax puddle on my hairy... carpet. What do I do?! Chip it off? Hold a lighter over it to melt it, then scrub...
I need help. But that's neither here nor there, on with the question. I know how I want my hair, but describing it to a salon is going to be difficult. At the moment, my hair looks like this:...
I've been using it for years and I've just realised I don't understand it. Who decides which order the same-stroke words rotate in? It's obviously not alphabetical, so I presumed it was the most...