My father took me to see 'Brief Encounter'. Apart from the music (Rachmaninov's 2nd.) it was pure romantic tosh. We both walked out half way through. Years later, did the same for 'Hello Dolly';...
my friend's daughter lives away from home. she has had a letter come to her mother's house saying urgent on it and it isnt sealed at the back of the envelope, just tucked in. my friend has opened it...
My last cinema visit was to see the newly released 'Schindler's List'. Before that, it was to a drive-in cinema in Rhodesia (1975), to see 'Towering Inferno'.. When was your last visit ?
I was at my friends house the other night and briefly met his flatmate before she went out. A group of us then went out and got quite drunk and later went back to his. She arrived home an hour later,...
In 1971 (bear with me it's quite short) I went to work for a new company,worked with another woman who I got on VERY well with.Eventually she became my best friend. In 2009,we fell out(her...
You may be wondering what I mean,well let me give you an example. On Michael Portillo's otherwise excellent series,we were subjected to this. Before the titles we had to have a 4 minute rundown on the...
I was asked today, which person of the opposite sex would I least like to be stranded on a desert island with, it didn't take me long to come up with Clare Short, - this probably says much about me....
i remember going to a website that you was able to pick your return flight flights (outbound and inbound) separately and so picking the times that you want to fly. but i can't find it again any...
What does eating a Kentucky Fried Chicken have in common with making love? . . . . . . . When you have finished with the breasts and thighs, all that's left is a greasy box to put your bone in!...
Proudly showing off his newly-leased downtown apartment to a couple of friends late onenight, a drunk guy led the way to his bedroom where there was a big brass gong hanging on the wall. 'What's that...