An enjoyable puzzle but I can't see the word play for 3D. I have all the checked letters and there are only two possible letters with which (I think) it can begin. A hint (without giving the game away...
Hi all Hopefully I'm not treading on Mintyman's toes but as I know a number of people enjoy The Spectator crossword I have saved a pdf of it and can email it out to interested parties. To save me...
help please and reasons 1a moving artistic epic about albania's real issues 14 ??A???C??????? 10a ring donned by posh sailors daily 7 ?I???A? 13a flogging monarch about back end 6 ??T??? cat? 41a one...
Hi Ironie. I am perplexed. I don't buy the Spectator - I download the crossword every Thursday which yesterday was No 2027. So how come you have got 2028? Is the download always a week behind. By the...
Good luck, Speccie addicts, with this week's Dumpynose. I'm away for August, so you can all have a lie in on Thursdays for a change.
I've just 25 Across to get...
Tree surgeon's ultimate doctor (4) n?mb
I've searched through my dictionary and can't see anything appropriate. Any ideas?...
http://www.spectator....7095738/crossword.pdf I am going to be away in New York until September. Of course I will post the Speccie puzzle (at about 1pm GMT) but I'll bet others will get there before...