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Can anyone advise what I might use as alternatives to milk and buttermilk and eggs in the making of wholemeal bread or scones. Thanks.
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Im a BusyBee
i have posted this on recipes but no response so.......does anyone have good recipe for red cabbage, maybe including walnuts and apple or orange??
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I made a quantity of chilli con carne and froze four fifths of it for future use. The fifth portion we had last night and it is not quite spicy enough. Which spice would one add on reheating (other...
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Determined to have a cheap xmas this year. Anyone know any good websites for cheap pressies?
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I would like to take my friend out to somewhere in London on saturday. She is new to London and has only been to london bridge. There are so many things to show her I dont know where to begin! Any...
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at our school for gcse your have to do at least double science, english(lit +lan), maths ICT and a technology. i don't know if we have to do a technology because it a specialist tech. scool or if all...
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Bewlay Bros
I know with mobile phones, computers, interactive cable TV, blackberries, digital watches etc etc etc, the traditional calendar may have dwindled in sales in recent years. However, they still seems to...
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Anyone know where i could use the countdown theme so i could use it at work??
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As quite a few of you know, my daughter was expecting twins, however we were recently advised that she was having what is termed a Mono-amniotic pregnancy, and that the outcome wasn't great. During...
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I have a 15 month old toddler who has always been funny with food - even when first born from day one she was not that interested - she eats ok but only under some level of protest most of the time...
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Son O'Legend
My Mummy made my Daddy go away to another country because of what he did to me and my Sister. How can I stop it happening again? He has threatened to come back at Christmas and we are all very scared....
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A colleague has been diagnosed with 2 fairly large ovarian cysts. Is this cancer?
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I have some chicken legs that we didn't get round to cooking at a bbq in June. We froze them right you think they'd be ok to defrost and cook now? I know you're not meant to keep things...
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I am pregnant at the moment. I have red hair and my partner has dark hair. My partners dad has red hair as well. My parents both have brown hair. What are the chances of us having a red haired baby?
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whats the name given to the waterproof material used to make bags!?
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I have a desktop PC connected to a wireless router via a cable and a laptop using the same router but wirelessly. Is it possible to print wirelessy from the laptop to the printer that is connected to...
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is there an alternative because i would like to make a quiche/flan and i have a lactose intolerance
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Have you ever seen a dog bury a bone?
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I recently came off the pill (mycrogynon 30) after about 2 years because I was finding it very hard to lose weight despite eating healthily and exercising regularly. I've been off it now for about 7...
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can anyone tell me the law regarding kids in a lot of other people,i go to the pub to relax and wind down. but more and more people are taking kids to the pub and letting them run riot and...

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