I am going to get broadband and want to share it with my parents computer, but having looked on the web I am confused. As I understand it, the easiest and cheapest way will be to connect the 2...
Ihave put my albums on a data base using Excel, this I then put onto floppy disc. Not having used it for a week or two, I inserted said disc last night only to find that it won't open. Excel has...
Ive tried and tried and tried to configure my Outlook Express to my website domain but I just simply cannot do it! Is there any software I can download that will do it for me with a more simplier...
anyone know where i can get a sharp md-mt161 minidisc portable recorder, repaired. what happens is i put a disci in it says toc read & says no disc then goes of.
A simple remedy no doubt?! I have a cordless logitech wheel mouse. Started to stick, changed batteries, no difference. Tried to clean ball, which is no doubt the problem, but can't work out how to...
URL; I think its universal resource locator - but my better half says it uniform resource locator. I have also heard unique resource locator - which is correct ?
I want to keep this brief - I have Windows XP. The System Restore & System Recovery options have been completely deleted. I am not able to do any type of Non-Deconstructive or Deconstructive Restore...
Can someone explain the different types of broadband please? I know there are 2 main types, ADSL (the one where your exchange has to be upgraded) and one with Telewest which comes down cable. How do...
I'm trying to post an answer to quattro's question below and the answer box doesn't let me have access to the submit button. I dunno if its coz the question is so long, but there's no scroll bar at...
I've been trying to defrag my nieces PC. It says there are some errors which have got to be sorted by Scandisk. However, when I do that, a message to the effect of 'The drive content has changed....
It's disappeared! If I have to reboot I always have the blue screen, now it goes straight to the desk top. I also have to use Safe Mode because it will not work from My Computer etc - just freezes....
(A bull, a cow, a snake and a ram)minus(Another bull, a lioness, a mother who was a man and a freak with curled horns on his head)Friends to be ignored : The vulture, the hippopotamus and the coiled...
I have a laptop /notepad computer which is relatively old but fast and efficient. I have braodband ( well, NTLs version of it).The laptop doent have usb or CD drive.I bought a 10/100 PCMCIA Ethernet...