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just to confirm please - 11a wall of earth to stop in London (10) - e***n*****. 'embankment'? 12a quirky dictionary's replaced after i get caught (13) - ***o*y***a***. 'idiosyncratic'? 13d oddfrench...
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8a singer Derek has endless desire for port (9) - ***r*o***. is it 'cherbourg' and, if so, why (aprt from cher being singer)? 6d emphatically take a sound sleep (5) - ***s*. is it 'crash'? 3d nearly...
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23a secular laws appear in church initially (4) - *a*t. ? 20d daughter finished with port (5) - *o*e*. ?
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17d stumped by variety of rum (7) - ***a***. is it 'bacardi' and if so why stumped? 1d squalid joint unknown (5) - ***m*. presume it is 'seamy' (?)
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21a long-running programme to flag (4,5) - ***e *e*e* ??? 18d make a recovery from series of strokes (5) - *a***. is it 'saves'???
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8a - inactive PM in Sun, eg, has happy ending (9) - *e*e*****. is it 'celebrate' and if so, why? 9d - may turn in, got there before lost desert animal (8,5) - is it 'bactrian camel' and if so, again I...
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Can anyone please help. I'm not feeling very well and I'm having enormous difficulty solving this week's crossword. 3d) Dear reader, dig up awful European actor (6,9) I have ?E?A?D?????D?E? 16a)...
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2d tv actor keen to get youth leader in sink (5,3) - *a*** **p. is it David Yip and if so, why (other than 'y' as youth leader!)?
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7d get our turn with loud attackers on cowboy programme? (5,7) - **g** *r*d*r* . could it be 'wagon traders' - if so, why?
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8a umpteen lacking foreign aristocracy (9) - *o*n*l*** 6d topic for children (5) - ***u* 14d pedigree of turbulent old lion to continue outside - *l*o*l*n*
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queries ------ 7a ram iodine into greek god (5) - *r*e* (aries?) 16a unsuspected danger in a mine? (7) - *i*f*** (misfire?) 24a past New York sitcom with Maureen (5) - *g*** (agony?) 3d leave son with...
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12a - Sunday programme to watch with old TV cop series (7,6) *i*h*a* **t*** ???????
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9d venom in chief painter's complaint (4,9) - ***d *o*o*n***. is it something 'poisonous'? 15d produce popular note when handing over (8) - y*e*****. could it be 'yielding' - but if so, why?
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16a - 1964 record assortment (4,3,6) - *** *n* ****e*. could it be 'gold and silver'? (1964 Olympic games!?!)
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11a - car accessory to move gently round for a change (4,4) r*** **** - could it be 'rear tyre'?
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19a suit for special people? (8) - *i******. could it be 'diamonds', but if so, why specifically for special people?
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7a - ruth holds hot brief (5) - *i*h* (pithy? - if so, why?) 23a - notice it's very bad misfortune (9) - ***e*s*t* 19d - back one language (5) - *i*** I'm stuck!
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19d - party-goer has sodium dye (5) -- *e*n*. thought it an anagram of 'na' (sodium) and 'dye' but nothing seems to make sense. any ideas?
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10a - act less calmly to confuse *e***d*r 22a - heath to leave his boat by net m*o*****
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12a eogistical nut waving wildly (13) - should be gesticulating, but there is a 'g' missing for anagram. any suggestions? 14a barely in time to craftily steal that record (2,3,4,6) - is it 'at the...

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