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jack daniels

1921 to 1940 of 1994

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Ive recently noticed littles holes in my clothes. I found some on an old item and figured it was because it was old. Now i have found some on a brand new item, what is it from and how do i stop it, im...
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jack daniels
Hi Abers, I'm going to make a chilli beef (using minced beef) tomorrow night for dinner, can anyone give me a tried & tested good recipe please and some ideas apart from rice or potatoes that I could...
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legal girl
My partner's mum has given him a lump sum of money, representing his inheritance so that we can buy a property together. My boyfriend seems to think that we will be taxed on this and that questions...
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did you make the chillie???......don't worry:i saw enough of CSI!
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i have a recipe from the sunday mag that says, boil chicken stock, add soy sauce, sesame oil, noodles, COOKED chicken, sliced mushrooms, spinach, chilli and simmer till noodles are tender. really, i...
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What is the best way to cook fresh corn on the cob (I dont' want to just boil it)? I like the look of the barbecued stuff but obviously it's not really barbecue weather here, is there anyway i could...
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Does anyone know who the lady on the left is. I'm stuck for this answer on a newspaper's 2007 Arts Quiz. Click link to see
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how long would an un opened bottle of scotch whisky keep for..?
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Can I roast all of these together, or should I do the beetroot on it's own? Also, should I boil the beetroot first? Should I peel and chop it, or cook whole? Many thanks
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I've just cooked a chicken tagine with preserved lemons & olives - but I've been a bit heavy handed with the lemons & spices, can anyone suggest what I could add/do to calm it down ? Please
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Can anybody tell me where I can buy FRESH dates from in England???
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Hi, My 16 year old daughter is having problems sleeping at the moment. She finds herself lying awake for hours just trying to go to sleep. This has been going on for a while now and it's really...
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Sean kept her affair a secret for so long so she wouldn't lose the ginger guy wothisname, but she just blurts it out to Tanya that Sean had known all along in order to split them up. That is so mean....
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If alcohol-free beer is made then why cant they do the same with wine?
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Just watched BBC's One and Only it was just a variation of Stars in Their Eyes. Why bother when there will always only be one Frank Sinatra. What did you think of it?
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when your cheese gets mouldy can you just cut it off and continue eating all of it? I do this all the time like.
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Does anyone have the recipe for Daube Boeuf Provencal
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has anyone tried teh lighter life diet?
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is this normal I mean will her eyes not get dry etc? Jules what is the best boxer forum to go on then from the link you posted as there seem to be a few.?
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I have to ginger Toms that i have looked after for the passed 3 years because their former owner was going to put them in a cats home. Unfortunately my landlady is selling the house i live in and i...

1921 to 1940 of 1994

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