I'm still getting my broadband service via a telephone cable but my telephone is dead. I'm sure if I contact BT and they do a line test it will be fine as when I ring my house I can hear the ringing...
How easy is it, could you do it ? For example, I have spelled the question after the fashion of a certain poster on here - does that mean I AM him/her ? If you wanted to hide the real you, how easy is...
Following on from Stevie1times thread below (tho' not in defence - or judgement of the thread) - How would you feel if you were their parents? a) about the killing of James Bulger b) about their being...
Ive looked back over the days postings and doesnt anyone have anything to say about the end of 50 years of Fidel Castro's Cuba .D@mn it you wont be able to a '57 Chevrolet anywhere now.
I've just found my aunt has this and I tried Googling it but I can't make head nor tail of the medical jargon. Can anyone point me in the right direction - links to websites etc? I want to find out a...
I am going into hospital on Thursday morning for spinal surgery. I'm not scared of the operation but I am a bit nervous because of the possible risks. Who's gonna wish me luck?
Write then, Who actually knows writepath from 2 years ago and who thinks the 'clique' topic is pathetic and hypocritical? Dont people see/understand there will always be different points of view? I...
I think someone on here is craving attention, where are all his friends when he needs them most? Give him a ring, you all know his number, noguts, where are ya gimp! LOL PSML!!!!!
In Only fools and horse when "son of Del" is born and also every time the babay looks at Rodney after that in subsequent episode. They play this dramitic classical song to link it with "The Omen" as...
i was talking to my friend about flashers last night (don't ask) and it got me thinking about how i would handle the situation if it happened to me! Im lucky, it never has, yet! Have you ever been...
Anyone had a break up with a person that appealed to every part of u, spiritually, mentally and physically, made your stomach lurch at the mere mention of their name,gave u the best sex you've ever...
I started on AB on 26 Nov 2005 (*what*) posted 141 Q's and 3340 answers. I was previously Buddy -if anyone remembers me as that- until Stevie-c-2it got me banned by inadvertantly baiting me-and me...
why is it that if you are friendly with each other on here you are accused of being in a clique, and yet just having a quick, and i mean a very quick, glance through the sh1t on here last night, I...
My daughter, who is in year 2 at school and just turned 7, has been having a spelling test each Friday and each Friday, she comes home with a list of new words to learn for the following Friday. She...
can 500mg cocodamol tablets become addictive? i was given them after a knee operation and now that ive discovered that i can buy them for almost peanuts when i go on holiday abroad, i stock up. i use...
I have recently met a guy who says he cannot perform oral sex. When I asked why he said it brings him out in spots. He has tried several times and the same thing has happened and it has so traumatised...
ewwww there is a woman on LK today who is still breast feeding her 4 1/2 year old! I find that incredibly weird. She just said if she stopped the kid would be very upset! SO, it will get over it! My...