At last, some sense Your thoughts? Your thoughts? ... They've been giving away free everything for years now there is a £1.5bn black hole in the budget. I know, lets tax the wealth... ...
Lets hope they show Chitty Chitty Bang Bang over the festivities.
The Sin family were having a discussion and my opinion is that if you buy any class a drug then you are complicit in murder and misery
I was disagreed with by most of them
your opinions please...
I was let go from my job for failing to turn up to a disciplinary I knew nothing about, (I’ve been away from home for about 6 weeks due to my Nan being discharged from hospital on palliative care and...
When Tora 'conceded' defeat at the US election. // ToraToraTora As I have already conceded the election myself I think the shenanigans are...
An apology, as promised. I've spent the evening ploughing through the selected works of forgotten ABers like R1Geezer, Thatcherite, PetitAnglais, ZedBloke, MoonRocker and even Egara_Flegin, a poor...
Is there a savings related cap on it? Someone I know receives her old age pension, lives in a council flat and has her rent paid for her but has around £75,000 in savings. I would have thought that...
I'm just watching "Rush" - again - I'm huge fan of Howard's direction and this, in my opinion is head and shoulders above any other motor racing movie. I watched the Le Mans 66 and the Steve McQueen,...
anyone know who played the elderly gentleman who was the victim of fraud by the young girl? I recognised his voice (and his eyes!) but can't put a name to him.
Is there any chance we can have a Brexit-free zone, where all talk of Brexit (and that means from Remainers too)? I'm sure I'm not the only one sick to the back teeth of all the chest beating, name...