I think there could be a jacobite rebellion soon if all this jacob-ish stuff goes on much more - we've had his cheese [as it were] his ladder, his sheep [well I didn't] not to metion his party, joy,...
It was reported earlier in the year that a poor hedgehog had to be put down after it got it's penis stuck in a fence. The full report is here; http://www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_556687.html Is this...
Jacobs Creek wines claim to be the most popular Australian wine in Australia and the rest of the world. Is this justified by taste, price or just good marketing ?
I was invited to a party which I was informed was Jacobs Joy style. This apparently means that everyone is to bring some food. Never heard the expression before. Where does it originate and what has...
In the most recent kipper adverts (not those rather cliched pre-Christmas adverts with the Slade music and santa hats) the music is most beguiling. What is it?