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I think there could be a jacobite rebellion soon if all this jacob-ish stuff goes on much more - we've had his cheese [as it were] his ladder, his sheep [well I didn't] not to metion his party, joy,...
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I read that there are more than 1000 myths about the hedgehog. Does anyone know of any interesting or amusing ones ?
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It was reported earlier in the year that a poor hedgehog had to be put down after it got it's penis stuck in a fence. The full report is here; Is this...
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What was used for the flavouring of hedgehog crisps and can anyone describe the taste of them please ?
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Careers/jobs which involves working alone all or most of the time?
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Many animals use their Jacobs Organ to recognise and greet each other. What exactly is this organ, and do we humans have one as well ?
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Are there any great sportsmen, or women, named Jacob or are Jacobs not of the sporty type ?
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Not a question. More a statement
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What is the dirt CHEAPEST way to get to Greece? And I mean really really REALLY cheap! I want to go at the end of this month.
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what county is it held in?
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My yucca plant is touching the ceiling. Where do i cut it? When do i cut it?
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There's a sudden outbreak of Jacob questions on the site (makes a break from kippers) and you've gone into hiding. Where you at ?
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A wonderful dish I've enjoyed in the USA. Can anyone give me a recipe please.
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Jacobs Creek wines claim to be the most popular Australian wine in Australia and the rest of the world. Is this justified by taste, price or just good marketing ?
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Has anyone seen this Vietnam war movie ? Was Jacob insane or was he suffering from the effects of drugs administered by the US Army ?
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With the Government's new anti-agism laws, does anyone know the implications for shows such as Pop Idol, which had an age limit of 24?
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I was invited to a party which I was informed was Jacobs Joy style. This apparently means that everyone is to bring some food. Never heard the expression before. Where does it originate and what has...
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what mushrooms can i eat?
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In the most recent kipper adverts (not those rather cliched pre-Christmas adverts with the Slade music and santa hats) the music is most beguiling. What is it?

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