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I think that these games so far set by “Lady Jan” have brought ample points to the talented predictors. These games proved a little difficult for me to analyse quickly and since last week...
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I am running a little late today, so I’ll have to do this piecemeal. Starting with her chosen links, Lady Jan dwelt on “Travel” and went with the following: EXPRESS Train SHOW Boat...
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Welcome all you AB Linkers to my second week as the royal setter, namely “Lady Jan” of MM Linkland. On the whole, I felt that just the right amount of points was picked up last week to...
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Good morning everyone - well, I think we're more on top of things this week and hopefully won't have a repeat of my faux pas from last Saturday. Mind you, I'll be happy if we all agree over one clue...
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I am pleased to note that the first week in the reign of “Lady Jan” went smoothly, although many would sat that “Women’s Hour” was an inappropriate link. I always like to...
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The paragraph below contains sixteen books of the Bible. There is a clue for each. I have found a few already and have changed them to capitals in the text, but can't find the rest. 1. Words of wisdom...
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Good morning everyone and my apologies for the Saturday am fiasco - the only thing I can say in my defence is that the robins of the UK bear absolutely no resemblance to those living in Oz. You all...
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Well, Lady Jan got off to a solid start ~ marking the passage of Time with chosen links: CALENDAR Month Day BREAK WOMAN’S Hour Second NATURE I thought that these links started off quite mild,...
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Good Morning! This is “Lady” Jan (a working title conferred on me by crofter) giving you a right royal welcome to this, my second stint of having a go at setting the MM link words. Time...
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Good morning everyone - here we are for the start of a new month's contest, right in the middle of the Easter break with yummy buns and chocolate all around and yes, we are expected to use our brains...
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I am pleased to return to some degree of normality by playing out my various roles once again under the banner of MM Links Games. Nevertheless, it was a welcome relief to be able to hand over the...
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Firstly, a big thank you from me to Strix for stepping in at short notice to set the links this month. Some of you will have cause to thank him as well when you see the scores below, but others may...
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Tempus fugit, the years pass, the shadows fall and “at my back I always hear
 Time's wingèd chariot hurrying near”. Yes, this is my last week setting the links (stop cheering, you...
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Good morning all - are we all ready for the final crack at KM for the month of March ??? Like so many before, this month has flown past and now we're heading for another long weekend with Easter...
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Hi again Shrubbery gang and hopeful Linkers. This is a wekend for celebration because 'Strix the Bibliophile', 'Strix the Silviculturist' and 'Strix the Horticulturist' will assume yet another persona...
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I can now reveal that 'Strix the horticulturist' was kinder to you this week. Kinda cranky, yes – but kinda generous as well. His chosen links were: Onion DOME MASHED potato SWEET pea Bean FEAST...
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Strix understands some of you found last Saturday’s offering a little hard to swallow so this week he will attempt to be a little kinder – after all we can’t have the Chief Harpy of...
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Good morning everyone - we're at the halfway point of the month, time to set off in hot pursuit of Rose Maybud who has a very handy lead but before we do - just a timely little story to remind us all...
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Hi once again Shrubbery Gang and Merry Linkers. We've had Strix the Bibliophile and Strix the Sylviculturist. Where is he growing next? Have Paulineward's threats to quit brought him down to earth?...

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