The current Amstel beer advert shows the flood and the 2 unicorns being left behind. There used to be a fun song about 30 years ago which said that the reason there are no unicorns on earth today is...
Can you help me withthe following: 1 We all adore a........... 2 Milk chocolate meets dark chocolate 3 What a feeling! 4 A good deal better 5 Get home, have some 6 ..... It's your business Any ideas...
Me and a friend at work were just looking at the lonely hearts bit in the metro... We figured out most of the abbreviations like GSOH and WLTM etc But we can't finure out what CD means. As in...
For me this is one of the best series ever on TV. I absolutely love it. I watched all of the previous episodes last year and it's just such a great programme. It's extremely close to realism and the...
This has been bugging me. What was it advertising. I thought it was hairspray or hairdye.The man was singing to a woman, then he turned and her hair was a mess. Thanks
In the Danacol Advert, the one with the little red heart-shaped car... is it a real car, does anyone know the manufacturer, make and model of the car, or is it just a kit car, one off type of thing?
Small solid-state semiconductor device used as an amplifier and rectifier? _R_N_ _S_ _R I cannot see that this has already been answered - please help!
On the AOL broadband advert there is a clip of a silent actress in close up then another clip of her tied to train tracks. Does anyone know the name of this actress?