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Be struck by stone work(4)?t??. Charge between 14s(6)???i?h....
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These are all Cryptic Snacks. They are from a quizsite called Quizardry some of you may have hear of it. Unforunately the site was hacked, so the quizzes can only br accessed by the quizsite members....
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How the couple become one? (6) ??????. Does he give out what he doesn'want(9) ?i???????. Where old -fashioned people learned the drill? (7)S?????? ....
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Four Clubs
Please can you help me with the following clues, please. I cannot seem to find the answers so hopefully someone will be able to help me. 7dn Nature Underfoot: Dancing in landscape is a participatory...
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1 temporary structure for climbers 7 2 pick the apples and pears 7 3.deposit waste here 7/4 4. tree area 9 I have arboretum but not really found in a garden. closing date 13/07/20 Save the Children...
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1. You're lucid with a door locker. 2. Coupled with Glen for a hat , is this a little challenge for a high jumper. 3. Smallest BMW and it's controller. 4. Sir's wife - completely mad. 5. Colour change...
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Clues are all activities or pastimes we may have done in lockdown No. 1. These may have started the argument (10) No. 5. Looks like the wound is on the mend (8) No. 13. Create sticky stuff to hold up...
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is this flower just for September 29th 9 letters. Thank you
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24D Clothed youth cold previously ?L?S thanks...
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No, not slim news, but rather presenters of news and weather, do you think it is political correctness missing that only allows the slim folk into these roles. What happened to diversity and...
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Mine was weird. The house was part of a stately home called Alexander Hall. It was divided up into 8 houses I think. We had a walkin kitchen, a living room off that and a front parlour that was fully...
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Scissor Sisters Bob Dyelan Bleach Boys.. Let's see if you can cut it......
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I posted on here back in March when we were trying to get our money back from Ryanair for a flight that they had cancelled. This is the link to it...
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Further to my previous question, my five year old spayed torty cat is now asking for food almost every hour. She has been wormed and de flead. The vet gave her a basic check last week and could find...
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34. Pick the Apples and Pears Thank you in advance....
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Bobbisox1 How do they prove it?...
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It means I'm about to chuck the remote at the tv. Flipping annoying advert. What advert is giving you the pip at the moment? I rarely see adverts but sometimes it is not my choice....
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should be visible over the UK 15 minutes after launch. About 9.51pm according to this...
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Suggestions please, for linked words that can be connected to all three words. Turn. Face. Walk Note. Bureau. Professional Thank you...
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a college tutor who selects actors for a production a horse travels underground what do you call your heavyweight love...

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