Morning people! :-) I am very excited today! Just had a call from 'Deal Or No Deal' and I've been selected to audition for the show!! PLUS... It's finally snowing here!! Woohoo!! Miles of smiles.......
Our car insurance ran out 2 days ago. No reminders sent. Thankfully, neither of us have been anywhere since Thursday and something in the back of my mind said "cars need reinsuring at end of...
What is the DVD that teenagers are asking for this Christmas? I have a present to buy for two brothers, not violent however but not kiddy stuff either.
On Saturday in the pub, we were watching United demolish Blackburn and I said that United would draw Liverpool in the cup. They all laughed and said what made me say that? So I said I'd dreamt it on...
and his honeymoon was the first time he'd been off the farm. He'd saved for twenty years for this, so could afford a classy hotel. Checking in he said "Me and the new Wife would like to hire your...
according to my local FB mates:) Funny how its the first thing you do when the weathers miserable. Ive got split pea ,veg and chopped up franfurter soup on and it smell delish:) Tattie and leek seems...
my top 3: 3.Silence Of The Lambs "I'm having some friends for dinner" - Hannabal Lecter 2.Pulp Fiction - Sc called happy ending after the two characters walk out of the stand-off in the...
Can anyone recommend a good, reliable, friendly customer service (in person and on the phone, with a user friendly online banking bank to open a basic current account ?
Thanks in advance....
had to take rex to the vet this afternoon,and he got put to sleep,he had deteriorated so much over the last few days,the vet asked us if we wanted him put on a drip and see how he is in the morning...