Does anyone else cringe when addressed as "GUYS"?I overheard a waitress in a restaurant who addressed two elderly ladies as such,how inappropriate!Teachers in a school regularly do it too,in...
Just read another thread, and it made me wonder... I've never actually done anything with my ham, just covered it in foil and whacked it in the oven. I've never thought to glaze it. I've just read...
http://www.dailymail....age-5-9-New-Year.html Is train travel fast becoming the rich-man's mode of transport? It is a certainty that OAPs cannot afford to travel via train, which after all is the best...
Good luck squad and all the best for today and I know we all want to see you back here with your excellent knowledge, happy Christmas to you and Mrs Squad.
Hi, My ink's running out and I can get the inks refilled at World of Cartridges .... They cost a bomb at Canon, but the refills(1 black and 1 coloured) cost £16.50... Anyone know about refills...
My stepdaughter has a clause in her contract (which she has signed) making her liable for any damage to the 'company car' she has been provided with, no matter how, or when, caused. She is only 19 and...
Dont you find it sickly when everyone links arms and sings 'Auld Lang Syne' (what ever that means) and 'You'll never walk alone' (scousers think it's their song) at the end of the night? Makes me want...
I have come up against a rather contentious issue. Our nearly four year old son attends a pre-school which he has become very settled in and one that we are happy with. One afternoon when I collected...
A very good morning to all you early birds. OH's birthday today so out for lunch, Morrisons is looking favourite at the moment! Who says romance is dead? Also the first anniversary of a dear friends...
Do back seat drivers irritate you? Myself i prefer not to be told what lane to be in or whats the best route ect. Back seat instructions do tend to get on my nerves.
Camcorder for nine year old. Has anyone any recommendations for a first camcorder for a nine year old? I have trawled through a list of them and remain undecided. Please let me know of any you would...
My dad has to go on a speed awareness course in the new year rather than getting points on his licence. I have been told however that if he is caught speeding again within 2 years he will get those...
I had a kidney transpant 2/9/11, about 3 weeks after I sent a thank you card to the boys parents. Do I send a Christmas card bearing in mind their son only died in September? Not sure what to do.
we have a shared drive with parking at the end of the drive our neighbours now insist on parking in the driveway blocking my car in also he is parking across my access to my door preventing us leaving...