HI, Sometime, when I want to save an animated gif (*.gif), in the "save as" box, I can only save it as a BITMAP (*.BMP) file. A friend of mine sent me a gif as an attachment via OUTLOOK express. When...
As the question (subject: Twinkle, twinkle, little star) dates from about one year, I taught useful to put my comments also in a new entry............HUMMMMM.....SO........It was very "? la mode" for...
It happens often that suddenly the images of my icons get mixed-up. As an exemple, all my word files get the Explorer symbol, etc.. When I reboot it comes back to normal. Somebody can help on this?...
someone knows the meaning of that french saying: "L'?ne va toujours pisser (ou boire?) au gaillot"? As u can see I am french. But by any chance other french people can come here and answer... Thanks a...