Hi ppl, Does anyone know what the relevance of the comic book has that Walt found on the beach? When I watched the recap on the 2nd season the magazine is blurred out! Why? Also the magazine has polar...
What would you say are the most ridiculous chavvy Christian names you hear mothers or fathers shout at their kids these days - You know the sort of thing - Chelsea,Britney,etc.....- Not saying that...
I'm interested in building/starting up a website but I'm not sure how to go about it really. What are the rules and regulations and all the whys and what ifs? I've got a specific topic in mind, I just...
If an head on collision is inevitable between 2 cars of similar size and weights and self preservation is the main element under consideration, will the driver who brakes hardest be under greater risk...
Rugby Union - Why was Murray of Scotland sent off for a reflex reaction against Wales yet the Irishman who calculatingly stamped on a Welshman was only yellow carded? It was the same referee!
I have a Digifusion fvrt 100 digital video recorder twin tuner ,or in other words a freeview box with a hard disc to record programmes. The thing is it makes a constant whirring sound that is quite...
When DJs produce re-mixes of tracks how do they manage to 'isolate' tracks, eg put a bassline from one song with rhythm from another? is there software that does it for you or are you able to purchase...
Hi Im trying to compress some downloaded movies using dvd shrink 3.2...but when i click on the open files i can't find my movie files , I downloaded them using lime wire , help? thanks scott
I need to re-site my computer from the front, to the back of the house. I assume this means either extending the cable that feeds my modem, or as someone suggested to me, buy a " router ". Can anyone...
Hi there, im wondering if anybody can help me! I have been trying to make backup copies of my DVD's and I have got some dvd decryption software and that works fine, I am able to copy to hard drive etc...
I have a 8 week old pup can any one tell him the best way to house train him , he will go to is box where he lives but when i put him on the litter tray he just gets off so is there a good way of...
Hi, hope someone can help me. I play bass in a pretty good indie rock band who have just been signed, and i've decided to buy a new guitar. Ive seen hundreds of basses in the shops and none have...
Hi. I'm trying to download songs from my Ipod to Yamipod, then onto ITunes but having difficulties. I have downloaded Yamipod and although it initially comes up with my IPod tracks, ITunes then...
I used to have a compilation cd of blues/folk stuff. It had this really sparse solo bass/deep guitar instrumental with notes played and then bent for ages. It was kind of like desert/landscape music....
Whenever I try to turn on my ipod, a symbol of a folder next to a caution sign with an exclamation point pops up and then it either resets itself or it freezes. Whenever I plug it into...