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i have some items to dye with dylon and it says add dye to 500kg of salt.  can i use dishwasher salt. many thanks
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Sue Balou
We have 2 female cats (both about 6 years old) that we have had since a few months old. We are going on holiday for one week at the beginning of September and I am considering leaving them...
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Does anyone know a shop/website that sells iPods cheap? THanx Rich 
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9D) Name given to young hares in their first year (8) _ E _ _ R _ T _ 19D) An iron tripod for a kettle or cooking-pot to stand on (6) T _ _ V _ T Any help would be really appreciated, thanks.
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34 a Kind of small dagger with a small tappered blade 18 d The ______ desert, north east Sudan, lies between the Nile Valley and the Red Sea

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