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Is it wrong to dye poodles?
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Why is it that most countries in the world are NOT known by what they`re called in that country. EG. Deutchland, Espania, Italia, Cymru etc
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What song is that backing vocal line from? I've had it in my head all morning and I can't remember what it was. Something sixties, probably, but beyond that I'm stumped.
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AB Editor
is this going on now? and can anyone give me a URL for it? all I get in Google is the AnswerBank! lol thank you! AB ED
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AB Editor
In one sentence. Or two. I need a sentence that encapsulates what the AB is all about and I've hit a wall. Any suggestions?
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Would anyone like to 'search the site' with 'save saxon' and help a dog ! Thanks xx
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"Ryanair has issued the government with a seven-day ultimatum to restore airport security measures to normal or risk being sued for compensation." BBC News What do you think to that then? Perhaps Mr...
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lord molly
how does it work?
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about 12, 14 years ago, when i used to go to clubs & raves etc... after a night of dancing me and a mate went to a party... about 6 in the morning some one put on an old scratchy tape... its difficult...
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where is she
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Why do we say "walking on egg shells"? Wouldn't "walking on eggs" be more meaningful? After all, egg shells are already broken.
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bubba gump
Can anyone help I'm trying to revisit my youth and bring back some memories of sneaking in to clubs before i was meant to, but I'm having trouble remembering some of the songs of the time(must have...
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cat woman
What on earth is this world coming too, in the news today Newcastle Council have banned anyone saying " PET " because they reckon it belittling the person its been said to as an animal. What utter...
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Since when did claustrophobia become a criminal offence in America ? A claustrophobic woman 'acted suspiciously' on an American flight, so it diverted and she (at 60 years old) has been arrested !!!...
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Not news, but we deal with this P.C term alot in life for fear of insulting a group of people, the wrong wording blah blah blah... My Q. is when was this term introduced and by who? was it political...
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Does anyone know how to apply for deal or no deal?...looks like fun, need the cash and (dare i say it) noel edmonds is kinda cute....
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I heard a rumour that father ted was going to be remade with leslie nielson playing ted. does anyone know anything about it?
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In light of the new relevations regarding arrested (potential) terrorists - should we bring back the death sentence for this crime?? Or, does this count as high treason (which I was once told was...
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What would be the chances?
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did you know the man off the elephant insurance ad has died

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