I hear that the low life that murdered Philip Lawrence is to be moved to an open prison to be nearer his mum as he misses her. At least he gets to see his mum again - personally, I feel this...
Why does the news always refer to him as Barry George when his real name is actually Barry Bulsara? It is illegal to call him by his wrong name when legally he changed his name by deed poll to BULSARA...
Nearly a year ago I made redundant as a internal technical sales guy, it was no surprise as our main competitor undercut us and was a large nationwide company. The company I was working for sold thier...
What was Billy Connolly thinking when making sick jokes about Ken Bigley (and his wife)? How has a once great comedian managed to turn into Bernard Manning?
a friend of my dads, a police officer, has been informed he is not allowed to joint or be associated with the British National party. In my opinion this is an infringement of his civil rights - the...
There are few bums on seats now, so many vicars tend to divide their services between parishes. There is a special name for these visiting vicars which I heard the other day, but have since forgotten....
Why oh why is it seen as discimination that women get cheaper car insurance when it is a FACT that women's claims cost less than men's? I don't want to be part of bloomin Europe and think this is...
I am curious as to why we have a race relations council et cetera. Everyone is to some extent racist - ie we all make decisions based on a nationality and have stereotypical views - it may not...
how can it be explained.
Also, i do not understand how the flactuation of the real gross profit with the potential gross profit result to give a trade cycle
I know you may well say 'neither", but if it was a straight choice between the two, Tony Blair or Gordon Brown, who would you prefer to be Prime Minister, and why? There have been numerous...
Hi Is there any way i can print a document in word WITHOUT printing the picture attached to the document. I.E. the document displays a company logo at the top of the page but when it is printed only...
just bought a dvd player with progressive scan but, silly me, my tv does not support progressive scan ( it has component video, s-video or scart. What is the best connection in terms of picture...
The term "white trash" is used often enough, apparently the last acceptable racial slur/stereotype. What is likely to be the next group/minority/lifestyle to undergo political correcting?
Does anybody know the name (I think it was in the 70's) of a film where the villain keeps ringing a woman in a house and asking "have you checked the children?"