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Hi Had my wee girl 18 weeks ago and my hair is falling out... a lot I'm finding it everywhere. Its making a fine layer over all carpets, having to clean the hoover head once a week because my hair has...
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which is the most eco fiendly, cheapest car tax, insurance, and fuel ecomomy car to to buy also very reliable.
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How are you preventing global warming?
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Hugh Spencer
Car battery is ok, leads under the bonnet are secure but car won't start. A friendly garage advised me that sometimes car immobilisers get stuck which prevents starting. It happened to me but I was...
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well, I recon its caffeine because my m8ts call me a coffee addict, I have a cup when I wake up, a cup before dinner, a cup after diner, a cup before and a cup after tea, and a couple of redbull and...
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Most mornings I wake up with severe pins and needles in my right hand. Occasionally the left hand too, but they are more severe in my right hand. They wear off after I have been up and about for a...
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my midwife was not woring today so i had my appointment with another lady, she felt my tummy and said have you had a groth scan which i have not, she said she is conserned about the size of my baby...
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I brokedown in my golf a few days ago and someone told me it was the COIL so i forked out for a new one, it still didnt start! Then someone told me it was DISTRIBUTOR CAP and the ROTARY ARM so i...
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I've had fibromyalgia since I was a kid, over 30 years now.  90% of the time I can cope with it even when its really bad, I manage to do a part time job and look after the house etc, but there...
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does anybody know the best way to get rid of it? i had to much sun on saturday and now i am starting to feel it. i hardly slept last night and my back is constantly itchy and it feels like someone is...
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Can anybody tell me where I can purchase this British cassette or a cd version of it? Thanks.
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Hi i think may have a pineapple allerrgy but am not too sure. Last year I went out with friends to two separate indian restaurants and suffered extreme sickness, terrible pains and throat swelling. I...
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My nephew is a recovering heroin addict. At the moment he's taking methadone under supervision at his local chemist. As he's got the dreaded 'flu bug, I've had to pick him up & take him to the chemist...
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First off, I have to admit that I am a bit of an attention seeker, and find it very difficult to be ignored. I feel it is because I have been suffering with Clinical depression, anxiety, and quite a...
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I have been a moderately heavy drinker for years, but decided to give it up a week ago. I read that you can get serious withdrawal symptoms like depression, anxiety etc. So far, I have been sleeping...
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was wondering if any of yous are on painkillers called dihydrocodeine it's a very strong pain killer that i use for back pain but highly addictive. would love to talk to somebody that is going through...
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I am 10 weeks Pregnant + on Thursday afternoon after goin to the toilet, i notuced a Beige/Brown coloured Discharge. On Friday morning after goin to the toilet, after Wiping Myself (Sorry to be...
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Does damp weather really make joint pain like arthritis worse? Is there a medical reason for this, or is it an old wives tale and the worsening of the pain psychological?
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My 15 year old son has suffered with exhaustion and permanet tiredness for some time. We have had numerous visits to the (largely unsympathetic)Drs who all say he is physically well, blood tests are...
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could eating large amounts of peanuts trigger an allergy to them?

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