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How do I undo all system restore points except the last one?
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How can I configure OE so that all my E Mails when downloaded are sorted in chronological order so that the latest messages appear at the bottom. As opposed to now when all my new messages are being...
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I downloaded IE7 and found that it caused my internet connection to randomly drop off every 30 - 40 mins. I'm using a Voyager 105 ADSL Modem broadband connection with Windows XP. Has anyone else had...
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Can anyone tell me how to adjust the mouse double click sensitivity setting. I'm using Windows XP, FF2 and IE6.
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i don`t know what l`ve done but whenever l click on any of my shortcuts now i.e google... the page only appears at 25% size... how do l make it back to full page again
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Iv'e just switched from IE to FireFox. Can anyone tell me if the Microsoft Security and critical updates will still downlload automatically.
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When I install the latest driver update for my graphics chip. The font size doubles and I cannot correct it using the "View" and "Text Size" method. Is there another way to decrease the font size?
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Is there a way to type 2 so it appears as squared
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Why does Cesar (sp) have such a high opinion of himself? More annoyingly why does Imogen seem to share it?
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Just interested to find out which websites people visit most often? Can anyone recommend any websites that have proved to be particularily interesting or useful besides the obvious ones such as google...
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I keep getting loads of pop-ups, i have a pop-up 'blocker' but its rubbish. Why do i keep getting them and how can i stop them? xxxx
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I've just had a problem with malware on my PC.. Im Running AVG free and Zone alarm Firewall but somehow this software managed to attack my computer.. I tried to kill it using Ad-Aware SE and Spybot...
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Theres a Tiscali Broadband advert being broadcast presently where an attractive woman is being served at a cheese(?) counter. The woman looks very familiar anybody know who she is and what she's been...
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My pc keeps giving messeges saying to download anti spyware as my pc is infected. I have used an antivrus several about 3 times including a different one software. The messeges have cut down so I...
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i'm having a problem with viewing any flash files. for example, anything at when i try, i don't even get the view box, just text asking for reviews & comments All the add ons are...
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Just seen a video on Mtv which included the lyrics "wish I was a punk rocker with flowers in my hair" anybody know the singers' name
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Who found Moriniho's medal? How soon before it's on e bay? what about the second one they gave him , did he throw that as well?
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How do i adjust my computer so that when I type something, it will automatically bring up the word if it has been typed in before. For example if I search for something on google and I have searched...
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I've downloaded free versions of AVG anti virus and Ad ware SE personal. Is this enough security or should I be using packages such as McAffee and Norton? If there are any other free packages I should...
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Two questions: If Newcastle finish seventh (I'm an optimist) are there any circumstances this will guarantee a EUFA spot for next season? Is it true that the Intertoto next season only involves one...

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