In a recent thread whiffey was accused of being a t*t who makes stupid remarks. Just like to say that I totally disagree with this. Anyone who finds his remarks stupid is probably too dim to...
with my question about the meaning of life earlier, georgit asked for stars for the best answer - fully deserved. i'd already gone out and only just got the message. i have now added those...
You can be kind, meek, gentle, retiring - and relatively unsuccessful in the eyes of the world - or you can be brash, rich, blinged, and a worldly clapperbox. Which is better ? (Ain't expecting no...
my previous Q made me think of this. When you are an actor/actress you have to register your name and so I believe there can only be one person with the same name (I might be wrong). so if you had to...
What's up me love, ditch him, that's what I say. Don't worry hunny buch things will be o.k. Who need a man anyway, they are just selfish so and so's (well some of them anyway).
I just saw a tiny little dot on my laptop screen and when I looked closer it was moving. This thing was seriously tiny. Could it have been a flea? But where the heck from? My rabbits perhaps.. but...
Right.........fifteen years I have put up with this self-righteous, bombastic; I'm right your wrong; we- aren't -watching -any -more -Mel- Gibson- films bloke, tonight he has yet again said he has...