Does anyone else get as irritated as I do when I have put some time and effort into answering a question and the questioner doesn't give any sign at all that I've been a help - or hinderance?
Can we have a separate category for people who want to carry out tribal warfare against each other on this site? It gets upsetting for the rest of us. Every week, there's some new moaning from FP or...
Right. I've lived here for 25 years, and owe nobody anything, never have. Recently I started getting letters addressed to Mr.Krishnakumar (not me, no relation, never heard of him) from Powergen etc....
when printed writing first started out, they didn't have a way of expressing the "th" sound in "the", so they chose the letter Y (right??). and so "ye olde worlde" and all that jazz. so... does...
If we report one user's questions/answers repeatedly, does this have the effect of reporting the user? What if we wanted to report a user and we felt we needed to give a reason to justify doing...
What is the meaning of "got Forrest in the deal" in the following sentences? They met in detox, she for booze, Forrest for an entire menu of banned substances. At the time she weighed ninety-eight...
Why has Westminster not got rid of Northern Ireland years ago other than perhaps it wasn't God's Will. I mean Northern Ireland is insignificant (economically speaking-I'm not at...
Blair says "I think I have a very clear idea of what the British people now expect from this government for a third term" How many of the British people are relieved that David Blunkett (who has been...
Fab post In A Pickle, thanks for sharing that with us. It's got me thinking. When you're feeling at a low ebb, what poem or saying gives you strength? My fave is the...
Does anyone know any of the people who have had the honour of having their names immortalized in the dictionary with the loss of the capital letter eg. Mr. Derrick - derrick (crane)
Does anyone else think celebrity culture is the most uninteresting, moronic and injust thing on planet Earth or am I a lonely person on this one and about to get ripped to shreads? I...
I saw an clip in the news a while ago that said the Church of England wouldn't release church attendance figures because they were below a million and then a cardinal added that Christianity was...