Did anyone see Desperate Housewives last night on Channel 4, where Bree sat next to George while he slipped away? How does that work out legally, I mean can she be charged with murder? I know she...
Hiya, I'm going to be a bridesmaid for my mum this summer and am wearing a strapless dress. I don't like wearing strapless bras because having a 34D bust, they just don't support me. Does anyone know...
Hi everyone! I want to make CD for my mum for Mother's Day with loads of songs that she likes. She's 46 (in case that helps) and I need some suggestions, please, of older artists and songs. I've got...
I have just been offered a place in the Great North Run and I am going to accept this as I will be running for Children's Leukemia Research. At the moment i am not very fit and i can't even run a...
can anyone recommend the best product to use for cleaning laminate flooring. Have tried several and although I believe they clean my floors well I dont feel they give it a good shine. Normally use...
Have I missed something, cos who was the crying baby that Bruno shouted at when he was wandering around the hallway in a frenzy last week with that shotgun before it sawed it up?
My son is travelling to Egypt with rugby club, but parents are not, we've been told that he can obtain visa at airport, he has a no objection letter from parent to travell, but does he need to take...
Can anyone tell me when the loans and bursery's for students in scotland come out? I've misplaced my bit of paper telling me the dates of the installments. It's from the SAAS incase there are...
i am wanting to grow my hair long but the problem is whenever i wash my hair and let it dry is baloons (or mushrooms whichever you can visualise with) outwards and makes me look like an arse. What can...
I have friends coming over. We are not having a dinner as such, more just I am offering up some food throughout the evening(on their laps). I have a tasty dish I make which is a kind of curried lamb...
Is it true that if you eat certain types of food that this can affect the taste of your semen? If so I'm on a date this weekend what do you suggest I eat?
My hubbie always suffers from this and it really ruins our holidays, I know the answer would be not to go anywhere hot. Has anyone got any good tips for protecting against it? He has tried taking...
I've heard that sometimes the machines which randomly dial up homes for sales purposes don't hang up after calling. Does this mean that you wouldn't be able to call the police if they rang?
Can anyone help me with a recipe for a sauce to put on a tuna steak. I dont like anything with chilli or anything too spicy. I like creamier sauces. anybody have any ideas?!
i have never had any problems when it comes to shaving my legs untill about 12mths ago . now no matter what type of razor or cream i use i get a rash 90% of the time. i have tried cheap razors...
ive already posted this in another section, but more people may see this one! does anyone know how much it will cost for me to send a text to america. i am on vodafone network. thanks!