I'm 17 on saturday..yey! so that means i amthen old enough to give blood. my mum does this and i have been along with her a few times and i think it is a wonderful thing as it isnt just used to...
Just watched wedding planner..& I feel all romantic n warm now...Want to give my lovely bf a big soppy kiss but he's upstairs watching a horror. Mmm could be a conflict of interests me thinks lol...
i really like this guy i know he says he loves me but i dont know if i love him back because he moved away and we dont see each other alot anymore, he still says he loves me but hes had sex with at...
i'm not complaining, coz I dont really mind- honest! I'm just curious........Why is there always a bl00dy great big gap before your text in your postings?
I am currently watching this thro the benefits of Sky Plus.With the result I woont find out the viewers result re translaplants. Now u wont spoil it for me by telling me what the result was - honestly...
I have been a member of the AB for about one week and have been following the goings on in the chatterbank ever since, not really been participating though (I'm a bit shy). I really feel like...
My friend is off work for 6 weeks with a broken leg & she is bored stiff.I suggested she try AB,but cause i got here through a google & since then use my bookmark or E-mail,I dont know how to...