Outside my village stores this morning there was an peasant woman with an equally vulgar child begging [edited by ABED]!!!!. Well for starters, we don't have that sort of thing here, so naturally I...
Was just flicking through a few threads there- the ones about diets and looks etc. It seemed to me that when answering a question on how you feel about how you look, ie whether you think you're fat or...
what things/factors can blokes not resist about girls and girls about blokes? whats your biggest turn on that makes you want someone of the opposite sex!?!
start writing a reply to a thread and then just think, "Oh I can't be bothered" and delete it?? Happens to me quite often, especially when I'm drawn to post in News. Maybe my self preservation...
I need to convert 6,145 (Unit 100 million Won) into millions and I thought it was just a case of adding 2 noughts ? but I keep getting a high figure and am guessing I am adding the noughts in the...
I really dont know any of you well enough to share. But I cant let this one go. I put a new strap on my watch and its bought me out in a rash shaped like a swastika. Its a bit worrying. Heres the...
dont you just hate it if you join a dead long thread and then your the last and nobody answers after you i feel like billy no mates so iam allways dead glad when i get answer after me so go on make me...
Which are better and why? I would say posh people are better because they are cleverer,more educated,more stable,more polite etc etc etc etc etc.............
Okay - I have to do a piece of art using 12 descriptive words. I thought you would be able to think of some good ones for me. So far I have "incredulous". Can you think of some interesting describing...
Go to this site & enter your name in the box & hit the Sloganize button. DON'T CHEAT, KEEP THE FIRST ONE THEY GIVE YOU. www.thesurrealist.co.uk/slogan.cgi mine is - Have You Forgotten How Good Posy-Jo...