Hi, anyone outthere got any remedies for oily skin? I dont suffer spots just a constantly shiny face!! I eat well and drink loads of water, will appreciate any suggestions. Thanx.
i notice with the brats all back at school we are faced with sour faced mums in their 4x4s with their precious little brats beside them, is it really necessary for them to be lifted too and from...
I was wondering whats the weirdest or most disgusting thing you've found in the shop that a lovely customer has left? Also whats the weirdest customer you have had in, or a weird request by someone? I...
After just having a fire drill at work and thinking about it carefully, there is nothing better for me than seeing a guy in a firemans uniform!! It's like phwoar!!!! What uniform makes you guys go...
It seems some retard has used a name similar to mine to be juvenile about the Death Of Steve Irwin. I have not commented on this at all. Just thought you all should know.
Why is it that in a lesbian relationship there often seems to be a 'female' and a 'male' in the couple, one seems feminine and one is usually short haired masculine looking. Sureley if the 'feminine'...
Well, thats what it said on the email it came on, but it should put a smile on some faces. A primary teacher starts a new job at a school in North London and, trying to make a good impression on her...
Well well, he has finally bitten the dust. As much as i am saddened by any death, this fella had it coming for a while. I feel sorry for his wife and child, but still seem to think it was kind of his...
Ok well i just really feel that nothing is moving along very much in life whilst those around me or people i know are busy and moving forward i am stuck. Also i can be so depressed for say a week or...
vote for in an ab survey (of which there are approx a million per day), if you were asked to vote for the person who would most likely vote for you if the roles were reversed, and they then voted for...
it was in the mirror the other day that the geordie accent is one of the funniest. just beat by the Brummie accent. what do you think ya like? a think its alreet me like.