i suspect my other half has had a bit of a fling. its all over now tho . do you think itd help if i e mailed her or went on facebook and got a look at her ???
Would it be considered a faux pas if you were having a bath with a member of the opposite sex and you farted in the bath? I know if it was a whirlpool bath or a jacuzzi you could get away with it.But...
Are the most revolting things. They taste yukky & the texture of them is like paste! I hate them. They frighten me how yukky they are & how some people enjoy them.
Excuse me. Maybe i should rephrase that question? So here i go. Why dont women fart , until theyre married? Then they blow offf like trumpeters at a celebration p[arade and smelll worse than a dead...
Well folks im here and youre there. So whats crackalackin in your neck of the woods? Whos up?? Whos down ??? Whos doin what with whom and where???? Nosey burger eh ??? OOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHH LA LA LA LA...
Would you like to be right now, with whom, and what would you like to be doing? ;-) I'd like to be somewhere in the West Indies, lying on a sunbed, sipping a cocktail, and I don't mind who I would be...
you really,really dislike about yourself? This can be anything , physical, attitude , character whatevever. If you could change just one of these dislikes, which would you choose.? And what would you...