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If a person agrees to pay ?5000 per month plus cost of materials for building work then defaults on this,what action can be taken against the defaulter if it has caused hardship for the other party
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I live on a cul-de-sac close with about 15 houses in and one neighbour has just erected a 25-30ft flagpole in his front garden. Not such a big deal but just wanted to know if you have to get planning...
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I am a manager at work and have sent a text to someone in error, it was intended as a bit of football banter for a colleague, but got sent to an individual who I have previous with and even though it...
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My Dad has worked for a security firm,contracted by the Courts as a Manager for 10 years..excellent record,never been off sick etc Out of the blue today he was suspended and escorted off the premises...
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My son recently had to stay behind at school for half an hours detention for nothing in particular -( talking out of place in class) . He was given a days notice of this detention , but what i was...
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I am in a 6-month temporary assignment covering maternity leave and have just been given a contract by the Director (small firm of 5 employees). They have stipulated 2-months' notice to terminate by...
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I have been charged with common assault (battery) against a person. I've got clean criminal record. There's no evidence or witnesses against me apart from the alleged victim's statement. It's really...
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Please can someone fill me in on a GBH charge going to crown court - what might happen? The guy concerned is my lovely boyfriend who has no criminal record as an adult, only things when he was a...
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i hit a girl with a bottle and getting done with gbh with intent and section 47 can u tell me what u think will happen
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my employment as been terminated due to ill health i have had three admitions into hospital while sick from work and have been diagnosed with cancer my employer constantly phoned putting me under a...
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about 1 month ago, i was at a junction, indicating right to turn onto a main road, it was 7 am dark and raining. on my right a car was coming towards me indicating left with another behind it, as the...

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