Hi guys!!! Sorry I havent been on for a while but let me tell you something! I'm 15 weeks pregnant and just found out that the father of my baby has been cheating on me with his ex, I have been...
I've always relied on family members so I've never had to pay anything before! I have a 15 year old girl willing to sit for my 4 children. They are ages 10, 8, 6 and 4. They generally behave well and...
Hi all, I just wondered if any of you are still drinking alcohol and if so, how much? I know that the current reccommendation is to not drink alcohol at all, but I am a firm believer that everything...
what will the first post be A im making a sandwich does anyone want one? B What do you look like C which of your ears do you prefer D which abers ass would you most like to soap and slide down mount...
Just out of curiosity really... Can anyone explain to me why my litlle girl loves to suck on her hand/fist? She tends to spit her dummy out and start sucking on her fists... Why is this? (She's 11...
hi are me and my partner allowed to take his son abroad on a holiday for one week next year his son is 5 but his mom is saying by law we cant take him.
My mother is in the process of being moved into a nursing home. When I got in tonight there was an intimidating messsage from the meals on wheels service saying I need to get in touch with them...
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/7037657.stm in addition to the measure mentioned in this article i also think that all medical staff should not be wearing their uniforms outside the hospital...
Me and my wife are expecting our first at the end of Nov. Really excited and we both cant wait. Just wanted some feedback from people that have been through it - for the last 2 yrs, twice a week (1.5...
I am expecting my second child on Friday and I already know I'm having a boy. The thing is I'm really excited and I can't wait for him to arrive. The thing is, a lot of people I've spoken to have told...
1 have you ever dropped a cat to see if it landed on its feet 2 if you were a pro darts player what would your nickname be 3 were you an ugly child 4 where do you buy your lightbulbs 5 did ian...
as you might know its my bowling club dinner on friday night and i am quite nervous as this will be the first time i have gone out to anything bar bowls matches and bingo in quite some time, i am...
its my bowling club dinner on friday night and i bought a nice beige lambs wool cardigan today, i was wondering what colours go well with beige? they all get very competitive in what they wear so i...
http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/life_and_styl e/health/article2610704.ece Is this woman on the verge of a nervous breakdown? or other? Will Katie understand why??? she's about to be put through a...
1. do you rip plasters off slowly or quickly 2 when dunking a biccie if it falls in do you fish it out 3 have you ever been to Leicester 4 do you know anyone called doris 5 what colour is your wash...