Hello, am thinking of booking my 17 month old up with some swimming lessons at our local pool, but do they actually teach them to swim or is it more for learning them not to have a fear of the water....
ive only eaten a mcdonalds on a few occasions, but yesterday i really had an urge for one! so i called into our local drive in while i was out and had a mcchicken sandwich, ohhhhhhh was it lovely! .....
Does anyone lend on Zopa or had ny experience of it. I would like to give it a try but am worried about having to fill in a massive tax form ach year. I'm on PAYE at the moment so don't fill any forms...
My neighbour has just had her 70 foot tree cutback to 5 foot. She has left all the roots in so basically the roots and tree are still alive. Will the tree continue to grow or will it die. I am worried...
I have had a go at growing my own veggys this year!! I had some radishes in the fridge that had started growing shoots, so I thought I would give them a go and stick them in the ground. They have...
My son bought a car from a mate, It had been declared SORN. He has not driven it as he is still learning to drive, it has never been on the road since he got it. He filled in the change of owner...
When I break gently in the 15 year old Escort I am driving now there is a scraping noise that continues as I slow down without braking the noise continues. What's wrong?
Anyone been recycling food waste by their council,just received a card saying that our council will be providing a kitchen caddy and special bags to store your food waste,i recycle paper,garden...
i want to put a heavy ish wooden mirror up on the wall? what sort of hooks/eyes ets do i use? that will handle its weight. I still havent taken the paint specks off my indian sandstone paving, they...
Phew, ain't it hot ! Last night a bunch of my housemates and I decided to sleep in the garden - only one, who had a toddler with her used a tent - he loved it. The rest of us slept under the stars -...
Hey dont know if this is the right section or not. (If not can someone tell me which is) but can anyone tell me any good drinking card games please? Whether it be with dice, cards it dosent matter....
This is a last ditch attempt before I have a gastric band or start sticking my fingers down the back of my throat - what is the best diet - some say drop carbs but some say more carbs. I had always...